
Monday, December 31, 2012

Snapshots of 2012!!

2012 has been a year full of ups and downs, lots of laughter and tears, endings and beginnings and friendships. Here are the highlights (or major events) of each month, whether happy or sad...

January - I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints :) That was such a wonderful day!!!

February -  Spring Break!!! (in the middle of winter lol). Came home from Utah.

March - Lots of fun with my roommates going from school and then home, but still finding time to hang out with each other between studying and sleeping and working :) Miss them all a ton!

April - Went to general conference at temple square in Salt Lake at the beginning of April. My best friend Larisa came up and went with me, then I went down to Draper with my favorite roommate and watched general conference with her family :)


Two weeks later was the worse day of my life. I said hello and goodbye to the best thing that has ever happened to me. Still think about Faithlyn EVERY single day and pray that she is alright and happy where she is at.

 April was a crazy month.... I also came home to Washington for good after I lost Faithlyn. Didn't get to say goodbye to anyone at church and I regret it.

May - was full of birthdays! I mostly stayed home and recovered from April all of May.

June - I was hired at Kohl's which has kept me busy and on my toes. It's a great place to work, with wonderful people!

July - work, work, work, work and some boating in there as well.

August -  My best friend and I got into our very first fight ever.... We still haven't completely made up from it. I think we both would like to think we did, but we know nothing will be the same ever again. I actually saw her a week ago at the store. We said hi, gave each other a quick hug and that was it. barely any eye contact :(

September - I turned the big 20!!! No longer a teenager :) and I also started school at CBC... so much easier and not as challenging as Westminster. I miss Westminster and all the wonderful people who go there... We also lost a wonderful grandpa...

October - school.... and work.... and karate... and a trip down to California one last time. It was a great little family reunion... circumstances for getting together could have been better though.

November - work, work, work....and school, studying and FOOD!!! Hours at the gym have been wasted lol.

December -  lots of time with friends and family. Also the month that I decided I was going to change my life and get on a better path. Started going back to church, met a friend who isn't giving up on me and with the help of others is going to see me through my hard times.