
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy 21st to me!!!

My 21st birthday was pretty spectacular this year :) I woke up and was given a completely new outfit and fancy Saturday dress from some friends, hung out with my little brother for awhile, got a cute cake from my aunt and sisters, gifts from family and then Sammi planned a little surprise dinner and cake with some awesome friends!!!! To top it all off I had a Carmel apple Spice from Starbucks that I LOVE LOVE LOVE and my brother had one too! It was pretty low key but it was a great one :)


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ice Cream Drop

One FHE night we had an ice cream drop.... Totally fun!!! Picture one person on a tall ladder with ice cream in hand and another person on the ground with an ice cream cone in mouth. The person on the ladder had to make a sundae on the other person :) Lots of ice cream, chocolate and caramel syrup, whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry on top! What was even better was the fight that Sammi and I got into with ice cream. I will admit that I was the first to start it by pouring the melted ice cream bucket on her head! We used up everything and NO ONE else got involved. They all said it was better watching us :)