
Monday, July 18, 2011

I hope you had the time of your life!!!

WOW! It's been awhile since I have been on here lol!

I was just thinking about some of the amazing trips I have taken in the past!!! The best one....EUROPE!!! It's been 4 years since I have been there and honestly it was the most amazing trip ever. I met some wonderful people and had the best time of my life. It was a trip that included going to France, Spain and Italy. Ummm...let's just say I didn't like France that much lol. The memories, friendships, life lessons I learned and experience I gained I will never forget!

Here are some of the highlights of my spectacular trip!!!

Italy-Rome, Venice, Katolina, Florence, Naples, Assissi, & Perusia

First Stop-Coliseum...I had been up for 72 hours at this point :)

There once was a princess with LONG hair-her name was Rapunzel...JK :)
We got Nelly hats :)
Make a Wish-along the scavenger hunt in Rome, Italy

Wow, my hair was short
Nude Beach-ya, we were surprised and shocked too. Reporters actually were taking pictures of us because we were fully covered hahaha

The castle I repelled down!!!

I'm afraid of heights-this was a challenge for me
We climbed that...somewhere along the cruise

France-Cannes, Monoco...I can't remember what other cities lol

Walk of LOVE!!! Everyone wrote their names of the wall <3

We climbed to this height-the group before us was really lazy so or DM thought we "American" would be the same. haha WRONG! We scaled this climb in 45 minutes (including Joe who was well over 300 pounds!)


The group at the WWI memorial (or WWII???)-lots of crosses is all I know lol

Oh man, this horse. He belonged to our home stay sister. When she meant let's have a picnic with the horse she meant it...literally-he was at the table with us
Pont Du Gard-Right before we were settled into the homestays

Pont Du Gard-France

Spain- Barcelona, Madrid, Zaragoza, and some other hard named cities :)

Last night with my twin!!! we stayed up ALL night writing to Nelly in this book :)


Being funny in the bus

La Familia Sagrada---it wasn't supposed to be finished for another 30 years!


That's right, making Paella on a restaurant rooftop!!! Boys vs. Girls. GIRLS WON!!!

My beautiful twin-Kaitlin Nichole Otto

Bethany!!! I hugged her all the way home. We almost didn't get to say goodbye to each other in Newark, but we did!!!
This trip was one of the most amazing trips ever. We woke up every morning to a song which had some dancing to it haha. We talked about he trip and every time I hear "I hope you have the time of your life" by Greenday I cry. It was our song.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

The 4th of July is always  fun holiday to celebrate with friends and family. The fireworks are amazing and celebrating the birthday of America is also an amazing thing to celebrate.

4th of July celebration in my family has always been fun. One of the first ones I remember is when we blocked off the entire street and had a block party! There was tons of food, sparklers, swimming, games-like basketball while holding a kid :), playing dress up with the "big" kids, photo shoots and of course gathering in my front lawn to see the fireworks from the river. (That was before the smaller CBC building was built across the street which now obstructs our view)

One year I went boating with my neighbors on the 4th of July and saw the fireworks up close!!! That was such a fun day. Boating, inner-tubing, swimming, a BBQ on the banks of the river, hanging out with soo many awesome people and to top the night off...the BIG boat that we played in and that belonged to my neighbors friend's broke down. We had to pull their rather large boat with our small boat 3 miles to the dock... Did I mention that it was like 2 in the morning :)

One year we went to my aunt's house where all the Asians invaded :) we lit fireworks off...I had a roman candle and didn't know what to do with it. (after i had lit it) "What do I do with it???" "YOU HOLD IT UP IN THE AIR!!!" "What?!?!?" Then a family friend's husband (who sadly passed away) ran up to me to hold my hand up in the air before it got anyone...OOPS!!! Sp many Asians, so many fireworks!!!

Of course there is the annual parade, and the air show. We live right by the airport so sometimes we will just lounge in our pool and watch the planes fly by :) One year the swim team was in the parade and I got to carry a flag through the streets :)

I absolutely love this day! Today we are going to my Grandma probably for tacos and then to my aunt's to light some fireworks! Pretty low-key this year but still fun!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunny Summer Days!

Summer is one of my favorite seasons! Actually I like them all but summer especially :) There are two summers I remember more than others...Summer of 2006 and 2007.

The summer of 2006 was the most hectic summer in a long time. Usually families go on family vacations in the summer time but we are a little different. Everyone in my family are part of a swim team and with the schedule and meets we just can't get away. We also have BBQs every Tuesday so summer time is filled up. 2006 was just crazy. We decided we needed to do more apparently. My little sisters were part of the CBC summer play "the Wizard of Oz" They were munchkins and me...well I watched ALL 75ish munchkins. I got them dressed, make-up, and hair plus entertaining them in the green room til they were to go on stage. Practice was long and late then the show dates were stressful with scheduling the BBQs, swim meets and getting ready for shows. To top that hectic summer off my brother's girlfriend was going to have a baby :) So we had a HUGE baby shower and then for the month of August  I basically lived with my to help out. Helping out with my nephew was the best. I spent all my time with him, cried when I had to leave him and went down to Portland with my grandparents almost every other weekend. That was also the first time I went to a high school football game that fall!! Throw in a couple of weddings that summer too, almost forgot about those :)

Joshua Allen Halvorson...6lbs. 15oz.?? (I think)

Hanging out with Aunt Lynnie

Summer of 2007 wasn't sooo crazy but was the best summer I think. I went to EUROPE!!! My first time on a plane, first time being away from my parents...It was AWESOME!!! I did swim team for as long as I could before taking off for Europe where I met the most amazing people and had the best time of my life. Europe is a whole other post itself, I was there for most of the summer and have so many wonderful memories from there!

The Group!!!

My Beautiful Twin!!! Kaitlin Nichole LeeandOtto :)

Nelly with the Kaitly(i)ns...I was crying

Walk of Love-France


Trevi Fountain-Rome


On the second to last night Kaitlin and I filled an ENTIRE journal with how much we have enjoyed the trip to Nelly!!! We bawled when we had to say goodbye in Madrid. Then Nelly pulled the journal out and held it up to her heart saying she would never forget us.

We got bored on the bus alot :)