
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Little Snowdrop

The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.

But every life that ever forms,
... Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.

The little one we longed for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.

And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
For every beating of our hearts
Says that we love you.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Family Home Evening- Westminster Ward 2012

The video speaks for itself! Oh, I miss my ward!

What a stud!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Quilt for Battley!

One night I was blogging and just happened to stumble upon one that has touched me in more ways than I could even imagine.

I have been reading the Terhune's blog for a little while now and was reminded of why I want to be a NICU nurse. Their sweet little girl, Battley, has a chromosomal disorder T18 (Trisomy 18) and just turned ONE about a month ago. Her will to fight for life has wanted me to get my Nursing degree that much more to help others like her. After losing my daughter last April, I wanted to just give up mu nursing career. I was goingto school, taking some classes but didn't have a goal in mind like I always do. Battley put the will and determination back into me. Who knew someone so small who I have never met could change my course of action?!

One night I was hit with the overwhelming feeling of wanting to make a quilt for Battley for her first birthday. So far it is my favorite blanket and one that I had a lot of fun making. I had fun picking out the fabric too and after I told the lady at the store what I was making and who I was making it for she said to pick out all the fabric I wanted for this blanket and to find her before I left. Turns out she was the manager of the store and said that it was a nice thing I was doing and she said the fabric and supplies were a gift from them to Battley :) I felt honored to be able to make this little girl this blanket.

I pray for her to get stronger and healthier each night so that she can achieve those goals in her life that I know her parents would like her to push a mini cart in Target. To hear that their baby has a chromosomal disorder and that the statistics are not in their baby's favor was probably one of the most difficult days for A and C...but from what I have read they have been more inspiring to other's. One line I read from their blog was that they have already accepted that Battley belongs to Jesus and they will cherish every day they are given with her. What a great way to look at life.

All these pieces eventually make a quilt!

All pieced together but not cut up for the "rag"

Cut up and ragged :)


All finished

While the blanket was "ragging" I made this canvas just because!

Thank you for allowing me to make this quilt for Battley, Catherine! She is a true inspiration to me and everyone who knows me knows of her and are praying for her as well. We all want her to push a mini cart :)

Here is the link to their blog. Battley's story is truly inspiring! Battley's story

Thursday, April 11, 2013

In the arms of Jesus

Daddy please don't look so sad,
mommy please don't cry.
cause I am in the arms of Jesus
and he sings me lullabies.
Please try not to question God,
don't think he is unkind.
Don't think he sent me to you
and then he changed his mind.
You see I am a special child
and I am needed up above.
I am a special gift you gave him.
the product of your love.
I will always be there with you,
just watch the sky at night,
find the brightest star that's gleaming
and that's my halos bright light.
You will see me in the morning frost,
that mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a little breeze
from the gentle wind that blows,
that's me, I'll be there,
planting a kiss upon your nose.
When you see a child playing
and your heart feels a little tug,
that's me, I'll be there to give your heart a hug.
So daddy please don't look so sad,
Mommy please don't cry,
I am in the arms of Jesus,
and he sings me lullabies.♥


Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Seester!!!

Today is my sister's birthday!!! Happy sweet 16 Gracie!!!

We fight sometimes, we hate each other sometimes but nowadays we love each other more and more and I am thankful to have you as a seester!!! You've grown up to be such a beautiful young woman. Your caring and smart and always know how to put a smile on my face. Only you can say YOLO and make it funny.

Remember that time you sat in the driver's seat with me and I screamed bloody murder because you pushed the gas too much?!? Well guess what...Tomorrow you are going to have your driver's license and give all of us old people heart attacks!!!

Love you tons and tons and hope you have had a great day so far!!

At least you don't do this anymore


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Photoshoot #2 :)

A continuation from Yesterday and today :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Remember when...

It's been almost a year since I moved back from Utah...and I just unpacked my last box this past week. During Spring break I decided I would purge all of the junk I did not need, and perhaps find things I have been looking for for quite some time. I went through my box of old notes, cards, basically anything that brings back a smile. I found ALL of the love letters that my roommates and I would give each other. It made me sad because I miss them all.

The "original" six never all met each other. Manda, Lexi, Sofie, Katie and I all met the first day and we were waiting for Tasha. Turns out she wasn't coming. So we got ANOTHER girl named Kate. She was interesting to say the least. She kept to herself and her mom was over all the time. She spent the weekends with her parents in Bountiful and when she was home she never talked to any of us. She never really came back after Thanksgiving but it was her room. We found out that she was moving out after the semester and we were getting Jana, who moved all of her things into our pantry and laundry room before the break so someone else could move into her room.

Jana was awesome! We all had to learn to live with her. We all had to learn not to take what she says too seriously. She is incredibly smart and honest and funny. I loved having her as a roommate and someone to laugh with and to comfort when things were not going her way. She shared her love of Gilmore Girls with Manda and I and we all had a sleepover int he living room. She came to my baptism (only knowing her for about 2 weeks) and she was one that I was going to miss quite a bit.

Manda is still one of my favorite roommates. Sad that we haven't talked since about August... I know she is getting married to someone who I haven't really met. I miss her. I miss talking to her, going to her when I was sad or vice versa. I miss laughing with her, going to church with her then watching Gilmore Girls and doing homework, I miss her singing, her playing the piano and her nicknames for me. She is the only person who is allowed to call me Kaity baby :)



Katie and I had somewhat of a falling out towards the end of the semester. It was stupid. I didn't get to say goodbye to her, but she was one of the ones I told everything to. I miss her. In the middle of the summer she sent me a letter and apologized for the way she treated me and realized that she was in the wrong. But to be completely honest, there were things both of us did that could have been prevented. I just wish she hadn't had to get hurt like I did to realize that us not talking was pure stupidity.

Lexi...oh, Lexi. She is still my sisters favorite person :) I miss Lex. I know she is in Arizona now...But again, I haven't talked to her in quite some time. As far as I know she is NOT getting married yet lol. I will never forget about her thinking that a head of garlic was a clove and she got 4 HEADS ready to put them in our lemon chicken until I corrected her :) then after that I found a recipe for 40 cloves of garlic and we just had a laugh at that.

Sofie is the only roommate I did not get along with. SO much tension between her and I and a few of the other girls. Jana hated her too and we all lived on the same side of the apartment. She is the only one I do not miss and I wish she didn't hurt Katie like she did me. But I guess sometimes some people are just that way.